External Media & Templates

Here we will configure our templates, css/javascript & images directories. Comes with Twitter Bootstrap for default CSS & JS

  1. Place a symlink in sciweb/templates/domains containing any HTML templates or you can create the directory as well. Must be called “domains”

ln -s /directory/for/your/templates sciweb/templates/domains

  1. (optional) Create a directory called sciweb/static/domains add to .gitignore (must be called domains)

ln -s /directory/for/your/templates/static/ sciweb/static/domains

Default and Sub Templates

By default, there is a set of templates located inside sciweb/templates/

These templates are used if there is no subdirectory domains inside of sciweb/templates

NOTE: Templates inside the subdirectories must contain the same naming as the default templates. so if you are accessing domain.com, and we have sciweb/templates/domains/domain.com/index.html, we will serve that file, otherwise, we serve the default sciweb/templates/index.html

Default Template Filenames

  • index.html
  • show_product.html
  • show_article.html
  • search.html
  • products.html
  • articles.html

Linked Media Subdirectories

Similar to the templates directory structure, we have a default directory sciweb/static This directory is set with MEDIA_URL of /src/ (This can be overrided in local_settings.py)

As of 0.9, we will check for a sub directory inside of the static media directory settings.MEDIA_ROOT called domains If you are accessing domain.com, it will search for sciweb/static/domains/domain.com/ for any directories called bootstrap If it is found, then it is used and overrides the default bootstrap files that are being used.

The user can choose to use {{MEDIA_URL}}/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css to use the default bootstrap.css file

TODO: Need to set the context processor to create a default static media variable usable in all templates which contains the link to the directory where media/template files are found. As of now, hardcoding the media urls into the HTML markup is required to explicitly access a file